That's crazy.
However, I decided I would tell you about a book that changed my view on paranormal research. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to load up you and your like minded friends and travel the countryside looking for monsters? What about renting a camper and doing it all summer? Sounds like heaven to me and author Nick Redfern did just that.

He and two friends traveled around the British countryside looking for werewolves, lake monsters, giant cats, devil dogs,and ape men. What makes this book so different from the normal paranormal books on the self is that it is written from a layman's perspective. Redfurn claims no psychic abilities or fake degrees. He finds new perspective in what is normally seen as individual occurrences. He documented a conversation with a self proclaimed witch named Mother Sarah I have I highligthed from my copy of the book I bought in the 8th grade:
"The hey to understanding the beasts is belief," said mother Sarah..."They coexist with us because we want them to exist with us and for no other reason."
"So peopole are imagining that they are seeing these things, then?" [he] asked.
"Not at all, lad, not at all. Do you know what a Tulpa is?" she asked.
You'll have to buy the book to learn exactly what a tulpa is, but I will finish my point. The old witch believed that creatures and beasts we regard as paranormal are actually created by the imaginations of powerful people and then sustained by the belief in them. It may sound ridiculous but anyone who's ever researched demons can tell you the worst thing you can do is talk about them or think about them. Although disputed this has still been held up a rule about demons. Why wouldn't these monsters be held up to the same standard?
I was 13 I read this book and it made a powerful impression on me. The idea that someone can go off and do whatever makes them happy is a great inspiration. Then later on learning that people have the power to sustain and destroy monsters by their on consciences just blew my mind.
If that wasn't moving enough, I googled mr. RedFurn and found his myspace. I sent him a message telling him what his book did for me and he responded! I was shocked and thrilled! Sadly I don't have our correspondence anymore but I do recall him encouraging me to pursue a writing career and to not live the 'nine to five'. Years later I saw him on an episode of monster quest. Nick Refurn's help has made start this blog and pursue a career in what I love.I hope to one day meet him.
you should buy a copy!
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